Statut organizacji

Constitution Of The Polish Language And Cultural Centre In Nottingham


The name of the School shall be The Polish Language and Cultural Centre in Nottingham (hereinafter referred to as The School"). In Polish the school shall be known as ' Polska Szkoła Przedmiotów Ojczystych im. Św. Kazimierza’.


The objectives of the School shall be to provide education in the Polish language, literature, culture and traditions for children and young people and provide a range of opportunities for greater integration within the English Community.


The aims of the School in pursuance of its objects are:

  • to provide the highest quality of education

  • to facilitate the attainment by each pupil of his or her full potential

  • to raise the local profile of our school and help to integrate the pupils and their parents with the English Community.


Management of the School shall be vested in a Management Committee comprising members elected annually together with specified ex officio Members.


The head teacher or his/her nominee and the Polish Roman Catholic Chaplain in Nottingham shall be ex officio members of the Management Committee.

The Management Committee may co-opt other persons onto the Management Committee.


In furtherance of the School's objects the Management Committee shall have the following powers:

  • to raise funds and apply for, invite, obtain, collect and receive contributions from any person whatever by way of grant, donation, legacy, subscription and otherwise.

  • to employ on such terms and conditions of employment as the Management Committee shall determine any paid workers (workers other than the head teacher not being members of the committee) or voluntary workers.

  • to do all such other lawful things as shall further the attainment of the objects or any of them.


The officers of the Management Committee shall be the Chairperson and an Honorary Treasurer and such other officers as the Management Committee deem necessary. Election of officers and members to the Management

Committee may be by show of hands or secret ballot as determined by the

annual general meeting.


The Management Committee shall have the following obligations:

  • to meet at least once a term.

  • to engage or employ a head teacher.

  • to determine the level of reward, if any, for the head teacher, teachers and others engaged or employed by the Management Committee in the furtherance of the School's objects.

  • the Chairperson on behalf of the Management Committee shall sign pupils' reports.

  • the Management Committee shall work in consultation with other Polish voluntary organizations in Nottingham and in particular with the Friends of Polish School.

  • to fulfill the requirements of Nottingham City to secure the annual grant for the school.

  • all the members of the committee shall undergo the CRB checks.

Members of the Management Committee shall hold office following the close of the general meeting at which they were elected until the close of the subsequent general meeting at which a new Management Committee is elected.


  • The Honorary Treasurer shall open and maintain bank accounts on behalf of and in the name of the School.

  • withdrawal from the School's bank accounts shall require the signature of two members of the Management Committee. Ordinarily the signatories shall be the Honorary Treasurer and the Chairperson.

  • The Honorary Treasurer on behalf of the Management Committee shall keep proper records of the School's finances.

  • Each year the Management Committee shall arrange for an independent examination of the accounts.


  • The annual general meeting shall be held on such date in the autumn term as the Management Committee shall appoint.

  • The Management Committee shall have power to convene an Extraordinary general meeting.

  • The Chairperson may and on receipt of a requisition in writing, signed by not less than fifteen parents or guardians of pupils registered at the School stating the purpose of the meeting, shall convene a special general meeting.

  • Not less than 14 days notice shall be given of a general meeting.

  • The quorum at a general meeting shall be 20 % of parents or guardians of pupils registered at the school.

  • At a general meeting the outgoing Chairperson shall preside, but in his/her absence or at his/her request the vice-chairman shall preside. In the absence of the Chairman or vice-Chairman or in exceptional circumstances such other person as the members present shall elect shall preside.


This constitution may be amended, added to or rescinded by a General Meeting of the School. Particulars of any proposal so to amend, add to or rescind these rules shall be sent with the notice convening the meeting.

Constitution approved by the Annual General Meeting of November 2008